Interview: Inspiration and Art Making
Here's a reprint of an interview originally done for Writeca magazine in Rome, Italy: 1) Matt, where do you find inspiration that...
Juxtapoz Magazine Article: Getting Wet with...
Here's a quick feature article Juxtapoz Magazine recently ran: Getting Wet With Matt Story
EMERGED show opens this Friday
I have a one-man show opening this Friday, August 1st, 2014 at The Atelier Gallery in Charleston, SC. I'll have about 20 new works on...
Blue Note Blonde: Working process
This painting was just completed and shipping to The Atelier Gallery in Charleston for the upcoming August show. To see a detailed...
Red Bend Back
Red Bend Back by Matt Story | 28 x 42 in | oil on panel | about $7,000 USD | about € 5,200 Euro Finished this piece just before leaving...
Preparing to Leave Charleston
I'm preparing to move to Santa Fe / ABQ for the rest of the year. I’ve loved Charleston, SC - A magical place - and I look forward to...
Red Repose Again
Red Repose Again by Matt Story | 42 x 28 in | oil on panel | about $7,000 USD | about € 5,200 Euro Finished this piece just before...
Bubble Train
Bubble Train by Matt Story | 72 x 20 in | oil on panel | about 9,000 USD | about € 6,600 Euro Finished this piece just before leaving...
Miami Snaps
Vacationing in Florida for 10 days. Stopped by to see my sister, Tiffanie, and shot some snaps in her pool of my beautiful wife, Cari....
Varnishing Process: Red in Big Blue
Finished this a few weeks ago and just varnished it last weekend (Happy Easter!) I’m using a Gamblin Gamvar/OMS/ Cold Wax mix. My...